Spark of Rebellion

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537 Cards in Spark of Rebellion

Spark of Rebellion

Kestro City // Shield #27 // T02

Spark of Rebellion

Echo Base // Shield #24 // T02

Spark of Rebellion

Chopper Base // Shield #30 // T02

Spark of Rebellion

Capital City // Shield #20 // T02

Spark of Rebellion

Shield (Hyperspace) #T04

Spark of Rebellion

Experience (Hyperspace) #T03

Spark of Rebellion

Restock (Hyperspace) #510

Spark of Rebellion

Confiscate (Hyperspace) #509

Spark of Rebellion

Frontier AT-RT (Hyperspace) #507

Spark of Rebellion

Underworld Thug (Hyperspace) #505

Spark of Rebellion

Medal Ceremony (Hyperspace) #503

Spark of Rebellion

Snowspeeder (Hyperspace) #502

Spark of Rebellion

Wing Leader (Hyperspace) #499

Spark of Rebellion

Alliance X-Wing (Hyperspace) #496

Spark of Rebellion

AT-ST (Hyperspace) #493

Spark of Rebellion

TIE Advanced (Hyperspace) #492

Spark of Rebellion

TIE/ln Fighter (Hyperspace) #487

Spark of Rebellion

Change of Heart (Hyperspace) #486

Spark of Rebellion

Don't Get Cocky (Hyperspace) #485

Spark of Rebellion

Waylay (Hyperspace) #484

Spark of Rebellion

Outmaneuver (Hyperspace) #483

Spark of Rebellion

Surprise Strike (Hyperspace) #482

Spark of Rebellion

Sneak Attack (Hyperspace) #481

Spark of Rebellion

Shoot First (Hyperspace) #479

Spark of Rebellion

Disarm (Hyperspace) #478

Spark of Rebellion

Strafing Gunship (Hyperspace) #474

Spark of Rebellion

Swoop Racer (Hyperspace) #472

Spark of Rebellion

Crafty Smuggler (Hyperspace) #469

Spark of Rebellion

Jawa Scavenger (Hyperspace) #467

Spark of Rebellion

Cunning (Hyperspace) #465

Spark of Rebellion

Cantina Bouncer (Hyperspace) #464

Spark of Rebellion

Bamboozle (Hyperspace) #461

Spark of Rebellion

Rogue Operative (Hyperspace) #456

Spark of Rebellion

Vanguard Ace (Hyperspace) #453

Spark of Rebellion

I Had No Choice (Hyperspace) #450

Spark of Rebellion

Cartel Spacer (Hyperspace) #441

Spark of Rebellion

ISB Agent (Hyperspace) #439

Spark of Rebellion

Bombing Run (Hyperspace) #436

Spark of Rebellion

Open Fire (Hyperspace) #435

Spark of Rebellion

Power Failure (Hyperspace) #433

Spark of Rebellion

Keep Fighting (Hyperspace) #432

Spark of Rebellion

Precision Fire (Hyperspace) #431

Spark of Rebellion

Force Throw (Hyperspace) #430

Spark of Rebellion

Wampa (Hyperspace) #427

Spark of Rebellion

Star Wing Scout (Hyperspace) #426

Spark of Rebellion

Jedha Agitator (Hyperspace) #421

Spark of Rebellion

Aggression (Hyperspace) #418

Spark of Rebellion

Rallying Cry (Hyperspace) #417

Spark of Rebellion

Karabast (Hyperspace) #414

Spark of Rebellion

Heroic Sacrifice (Hyperspace) #413

Spark of Rebellion

Force Choke (Hyperspace) #402

Spark of Rebellion

Force Lightning (Hyperspace) #401

Spark of Rebellion

Ruthless Raider (Hyperspace) #398

Spark of Rebellion

Strike True (Hyperspace) #391

Spark of Rebellion

Resupply (Hyperspace) #390

Spark of Rebellion

Recruit (Hyperspace) #387

Spark of Rebellion

Traitorous (Hyperspace) #386

Spark of Rebellion

Escort Skiff (Hyperspace) #378

Spark of Rebellion

Command (Hyperspace) #371

Spark of Rebellion

Rebel Assault (Hyperspace) #367

Spark of Rebellion

Vanquish (Hyperspace) #343

Spark of Rebellion

Takedown (Hyperspace) #342

Spark of Rebellion

Make An Opening (Hyperspace) #341

Spark of Rebellion

Repair (Hyperspace) #339

Spark of Rebellion

Moment of Peace (Hyperspace) #338

Spark of Rebellion

Entrenched (Hyperspace) #337

Spark of Rebellion

Electrostaff (Hyperspace) #336

Spark of Rebellion

Devotion (Hyperspace) #335

Spark of Rebellion

Resilient (Hyperspace) #334

Spark of Rebellion

Vigilance (Hyperspace) #323

Spark of Rebellion

Protector (Hyperspace) #322

Spark of Rebellion

Jedi Lightsaber (Hyperspace) #319

Spark of Rebellion

Superlaser Blast (Hyperspace) #309

Spark of Rebellion

Death Trooper (Hyperspace) #299

Spark of Rebellion

Chopper Base (Hyperspace) #296

Spark of Rebellion

Jedha City (Hyperspace) #294

Spark of Rebellion

Kestro City (Hyperspace) #293

Spark of Rebellion

Tarkintown (Hyperspace) #291

Spark of Rebellion

Echo Base (Hyperspace) #290

Spark of Rebellion

Command Center (Hyperspace) #289

Spark of Rebellion

Dagobah Swamp (Hyperspace) #287

Spark of Rebellion

Capital City (Hyperspace) #286

Spark of Rebellion

Security Complex (Hyperspace) #285

Spark of Rebellion

Shield #T02

Spark of Rebellion

Experience #T01

Spark of Rebellion

Restock #252/252

Spark of Rebellion

Confiscate #251/252

Spark of Rebellion

Corellian Freighter #250/252

Spark of Rebellion

Frontier AT-RT #249/252

Spark of Rebellion

Volunteer Soldier #248/252

Spark of Rebellion

Underworld Thug #247/252

Spark of Rebellion

You're My Only Hope #246/252

Spark of Rebellion

Medal Ceremony #245/252

Spark of Rebellion

Snowspeeder #244/252

Spark of Rebellion

Regional Sympathizers #243/252

Spark of Rebellion

Wing Leader #241/252

Spark of Rebellion

Fleet Lieutenant #240/252

Spark of Rebellion

Rebel Pathfinder #239/252

Spark of Rebellion

C-3PO - Protocol Droid #238/252

Spark of Rebellion

Alliance X-Wing #237/252

Spark of Rebellion

Galactic Ambition #235/252

Spark of Rebellion

Maximum Firepower #234/252

Spark of Rebellion

I Am Your Father #233/252

Spark of Rebellion

AT-ST #232/252

Spark of Rebellion

TIE Advanced #231/252

Spark of Rebellion

Cell Block Guard #229/252

Spark of Rebellion

Viper Probe Droid #228/252

Spark of Rebellion

Snowtrooper Lieutenant #227/252

Spark of Rebellion

TIE/ln Fighter #225/252

Spark of Rebellion

Change of Heart #224/252

Spark of Rebellion

Don't Get Cocky #223/252

Spark of Rebellion

Outmaneuver #221/252

Spark of Rebellion

Surprise Strike #220/252

Spark of Rebellion

Sneak Attack #219/252

Spark of Rebellion

Asteroid Sanctuary #218/252

Spark of Rebellion

Shoot First #217/252

Spark of Rebellion

Disarm #216/252

Spark of Rebellion

Snapshot Reflexes #215/252

Spark of Rebellion

Smuggling Compartment #214/252

Spark of Rebellion

Syndicate Lackeys #213/252

Spark of Rebellion

Strafing Gunship #212/252

Spark of Rebellion

Gamorrean Guards #211/252

Spark of Rebellion

Swoop Racer #210/252

Spark of Rebellion

Pirated Starfighter #209/252

Spark of Rebellion

Outer Rim Headhunter #208/252

Spark of Rebellion

Crafty Smuggler #207/252

Spark of Rebellion

Mining Guild TIE Fighter #206/252

Spark of Rebellion

Jawa Scavenger #205/252

Spark of Rebellion

Cunning #203/252

Spark of Rebellion

Cantina Bouncer #202/252

Spark of Rebellion

Spark of Rebellion #200/252

Spark of Rebellion

Bamboozle #199/252

Spark of Rebellion

Rogue Operative #194/252

Spark of Rebellion

Vanguard Ace #191/252

Spark of Rebellion

Lothal Insurgent #190/252

Spark of Rebellion

Chopper - Metal Menace #188/252

Spark of Rebellion

I Had No Choice #187/252

Spark of Rebellion

No Good to Me Dead #186/252

Spark of Rebellion

Bounty Hunter Crew #183/252

Spark of Rebellion

Seventh Fleet Defender #180/252

Spark of Rebellion

Boba Fett - Disintegrator #179/252

Spark of Rebellion

Cartel Spacer #178/252

Spark of Rebellion

ISB Agent #176/252

Spark of Rebellion

Forced Surrender #175/252

Spark of Rebellion

Smoke and Cinders #174/252

Spark of Rebellion

Bombing Run #173/252

Spark of Rebellion

Open Fire #172/252

Spark of Rebellion

Mission Briefing #171/252

Spark of Rebellion

Power Failure #170/252

Spark of Rebellion

Keep Fighting #169/252

Spark of Rebellion

Precision Fire #168/252

Spark of Rebellion

Force Throw #167/252

Spark of Rebellion

Infiltrator's Skill #166/252

Spark of Rebellion

Occupier Siege Tank #165/252

Spark of Rebellion

Wampa #164/252

Spark of Rebellion

Star Wing Scout #163/252

Spark of Rebellion

Disabling Fang Fighter #162/252

Spark of Rebellion

Ardent Sympathizer #161/252

Spark of Rebellion

Partisan Insurgent #159/252

Spark of Rebellion

Jedha Agitator #158/252

Spark of Rebellion

Cantina Braggart #157/252

Spark of Rebellion

Aggression #155/252

Spark of Rebellion

Rallying Cry #154/252

Spark of Rebellion

Saw Gerrera - Extremist #153/252

Spark of Rebellion

For A Cause I Believe In #152/252

Spark of Rebellion

Karabast #151/252

Spark of Rebellion

Heroic Sacrifice #150/252

Spark of Rebellion

Guerilla Attack Pod #148/252

Spark of Rebellion

Red Three - Unstoppable #144/252

Spark of Rebellion

Fighters For Freedom #143/252

Spark of Rebellion

SpecForce Soldier #140/252

Spark of Rebellion

Force Choke #139/252

Spark of Rebellion

Force Lightning #138/252

Spark of Rebellion

Fallen Lightsaber #137/252

Spark of Rebellion

Vader's Lightsaber #136/252

Spark of Rebellion

Ruthless Raider #134/252

Spark of Rebellion

Imperial Interceptor #132/252

Spark of Rebellion

First Legion Snowtrooper #130/252

Spark of Rebellion

Strike True #127/252

Spark of Rebellion

Prepare for Takeoff #125/252

Spark of Rebellion

Tactical Advantage #124/252

Spark of Rebellion

Recruit #123/252

Spark of Rebellion

Traitorous #122/252

Spark of Rebellion

Hardpoint Heavy Blaster #121/252

Spark of Rebellion

Academy Training #120/252

Spark of Rebellion

Reinforcement Walker #119/252

Spark of Rebellion

Mercenary Company #117/252

Spark of Rebellion

Steadfast Battalion #116/252

Spark of Rebellion

Escort Skiff #114/252

Spark of Rebellion

Homestead Militia #113/252

Spark of Rebellion

Consortium StarViper #112/252

Spark of Rebellion

Patrolling V-Wing #111/252

Spark of Rebellion

Frontline Shuttle #110/252

Spark of Rebellion

Vanguard Infantry #108/252

Spark of Rebellion

Command #107/252

Spark of Rebellion

Attack Pattern Delta #106/252

Spark of Rebellion

U-Wing Reinforcement #104/252

Spark of Rebellion

Rebel Assault #103/252

Spark of Rebellion

Echo Base Defender #098/252

Spark of Rebellion

Alliance Dispatcher #093/252

Spark of Rebellion

Overwhelming Barrage #092/252

Spark of Rebellion

The Emperor's Legion #091/252

Spark of Rebellion

Devastator - Inescapable #090/252

Spark of Rebellion

Blizzard Assault AT-AT #088/252

Spark of Rebellion

Gladiator Star Destroyer #086/252

Spark of Rebellion

Rukh - Thrawn's Assassin #085/252

Spark of Rebellion

Superlaser Technician #083/252

Spark of Rebellion

Emperor's Royal Guard #082/252

Spark of Rebellion

Seasoned Shoretrooper #081/252

Spark of Rebellion

Vanquish #078/252

Spark of Rebellion

Make An Opening #076/252

Spark of Rebellion

It Binds All Things #075/252

Spark of Rebellion

Repair #074/252

Spark of Rebellion

Moment of Peace #073/252

Spark of Rebellion

Entrenched #072/252

Spark of Rebellion

Electrostaff #071/252

Spark of Rebellion

Devotion #070/252

Spark of Rebellion

Resilient #069/252

Spark of Rebellion

Cargo Juggernaut #068/252

Spark of Rebellion

Rugged Survivors #067/252

Spark of Rebellion

System Patrol Craft #066/252

Spark of Rebellion

Wilderness Fighter #064/252

Spark of Rebellion

Cloud City Wing Guard #063/252

Spark of Rebellion

Regional Governor #062/252

Spark of Rebellion

Guardian of the Whills #061/252

Spark of Rebellion

Distant Patroller #060/252

Spark of Rebellion

2-1B Surgical Droid #059/252

Spark of Rebellion

Vigilance #058/252

Spark of Rebellion

Protector #057/252

Spark of Rebellion

The Force is With Me #055/252

Spark of Rebellion

Jedi Lightsaber #054/252

Spark of Rebellion

Luke's Lightsaber #053/252

Spark of Rebellion

Vigilant Honor Guards #048/252

Spark of Rebellion

Consular Security Force #046/252

Spark of Rebellion

Restored ARC-170 #044/252

Spark of Rebellion

Superlaser Blast #043/252

Spark of Rebellion

Search Your Feelings #042/252

Spark of Rebellion

Power of the Dark Side #041/252

Spark of Rebellion

AT-AT Suppressor #039/252

Spark of Rebellion

Academy Defense Walker #037/252

Spark of Rebellion

Scout Bike Pursuer #032/252

Spark of Rebellion

Chopper Base #030/252

Spark of Rebellion

Administrator's Tower #029/252

Spark of Rebellion

Jedha City #028/252

Spark of Rebellion

Kestro City #027/252

Spark of Rebellion

Catacombs of Cadera #026/252

Spark of Rebellion

Tarkintown #025/252

Spark of Rebellion

Echo Base #024/252

Spark of Rebellion

Command Center #023/252

Spark of Rebellion

Energy Conversion Lab #022/252

Spark of Rebellion

Dagobah Swamp #021/252

Spark of Rebellion

Capital City #020/252

Spark of Rebellion

Security Complex #019/252

Spark of Rebellion

Spark of Rebellion - Booster Case

Spark of Rebellion

Spark of Rebellion - Booster Pack

Spark of Rebellion

Spark of Rebellion - Booster Display
